Golang Variables And Inferred Typing

In Golang the var statement declared a list of variables with the type declared last.

  name string
  age int
  location string

Or even

  name, location string
  age int

Variables can also be declared one by one

var name string
var age int
var location string

A var declaration can include initializers, one per variable

  name string = "Mayra"
  age int = 27
  location string = "MTY"

If an initializer is present the type can be omitted, the variable will take the type of the initializer (inferred typing)

  name = "Mayra"
  age = 27
  location = "MTY"

You can also initialize variables on the same line:

  name, location, age = "Mayra", 27, "MTY"

Inside a function, the := short assignment statement can be used in place of var declaration with implicit type

func main(){
  name, location := "Mayra", "MTY"
  age := 32
  fmt.Printf("%s (%d) of %s", name, age, location)

Mayra Cabrera

I like programming and cats