Git Aliases

Handy Git aliases

Less is always more! Git aliases provide shorter commands by collecting options and flags.

The following is a list of git aliases that I use on a daily basis, the first line is the git alias and the second line is the complete git command.

$ git sla  
$ git log --oneline --decorate --graph --all 

$ git glag 
$ git log -E -i --grep

$ git uncommit 
$ git reset --soft HEAD^

$ git unstage 
$ git reset

$ git car
$ git commit --amend --no-edit

$ git aliases 
$ git config --get-regexp alias

$ git upstream 
$ git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{upstream}

$ git wip
$ git commit -am "WIP"

How to add an alias?

That’s easy you just need to run the following command in your terminal:

$ git config ---global = "commit --amend --no-edit"

And that’s it! You’re to ready to use git car instead of the verbose option (git commit --amend --no-edit), everywhere in your local machine

How can I see what an alias exactly does?

That’s easy too! Just use the help command as above

$ git help car
`git car' is aliased to `commit --amend --no-edit'

A very handy little feature huh? :)

Mayra Cabrera

I like programming and cats