Class Methods And Scopes

So today at work we were wondering if ActiveRecord scopes behave like class methods. You may have heard that scopes are just syntactical sugar for class methods, in other words that this:

class Cab
  scope :modern, -> { where('aged > ?', 2.years.ago) }

Could be written also as like this:

class Cab
  def self.modern
    where('aged < ?', 2.years.ago) }

And yes the behaviour will be the same….mostly! Why you might not know is that between scopes and class methods they are subtle differences.

Check the following class methods, one just returns modern cabs and another returns cabs driven by an specific person

class Cab
  def self.modern
    where('aged < ?', 2.years.ago) }

  def self.by_driver driver
    where(driver: driver)

If we used them together Cab.by_driver("Mayra").modern, the following query will be generated:

SELECT "cabs".* FROM "cabs" WHERE "cabs"."driver" = "Mayra" AND (aged > "...")

Everything works as aspected right? Lets keep working and see what would happen if we continue to use class methods. Imagine that we use the former class methods in a controller, using paramsto set the driver name, and somehow a nil value is passed:

# params[:driver_name] => nil

Well this is where things get start to get messy, the following query will result like this:

SELECT "cabs".* FROM "cabs" WHERE "cabs"."driver" IS NULL AND (aged > '...')

This will return an array of cabs with no driver instead of cabs from all drivers. So whats the big deal you’ll say? Just add a guard validation inside by_driver method

def self.by_driver driver
  where(driver: driver) if driver.present? # Returns nil if no driver is present


# params[:author_name] #=> nil

And we get an error :( :

undefined method `modern` for NilClass

So what happened? Here is what: by_driver will return nil because driver is not present, so when we call modern on nil we get the error. So ok we can still fix this with a couple of extra code:

def self.by_driver driver
  if driver.present?
    where(driver: driver)

If driver is not present, we’ll return the all chainable relation, and finally when we do this

# params[:driver_name] => nil

We are going to get what we actually intended in the beginning:

SELECT "cabs".* FROM "cabs" WHERE (aged > '...')

Even if is working now, all this could have actually been easily resolved with scopes:

class Cab < ActiveRecord
  scope :by_driver, ->(driver) { where(driver: driver) }
  scope :modern, -> { where('aged > ?', 2.years.ago) }

Because scopes always return chainables objects ;)

Mayra Cabrera

I like programming and cats